Weekend sales: fri.day

There were some mad sales this weekend, right? So my intention was to talk about the big sale at hoorenbeek, at which I spent way more money than I should have (I swear I will have to blog about it later). But then, I wandered over to fri.day just to look at the sale there. Now, I didn’t expect to spend much money at fri.day. I’ve always liked her poses, but I’ve already bought all of those that I intended to, so I’m done, right? I mean, I’ve been there a million times, but always to take friends hair shopping — the place is always way too full and laggy to browse. Because all her hair is girly. It’s long and pretty, and the one style that isn’t long is sort of a Posh Spice bob. But I thought: what the hell, right? FAMOUS LAST WORDS YOU GUYS. BECAUSE THE CLOTHES THERE ARE AWESOME.

fri.day sale hotness

fri.day sale hotness

Everything I’m wearing except the hair is from fri.day. The hair comes from a little shop called Kin, and I saw it on Grazia’s blog and had to have it. It’s v. hot. However, I did buy some fri.day hair! Check this shit out:

Shadowed in red

Shadowed in red

I don’t wear long hair often, but damn, I like that hood and scarf combination. The sleeveless t-shirt and jeans are also fri.day. My god, designers, is it really that hard to make a sleeveless t-shirt? Love them, and you never see them. Well, I have some now!

And one more:

more fri.day stuff

more fri.day stuff

I’m going to mention how much I love the prim work on this piece, but in the same breath, I’m going to tell you not to notice that I didn’t finish adjusting one of the prims and you can see my jeans poking through. Shut up.

I spent way too much money at fri.day today. And I didn’t mean to. Uh, oops.

Skin: Vive9
Hair: Kin & fri.day
Clothes: fri.day
Shoes: fri.day
Poses: fri.day

About Vaki

Seriously, Mega Shark v. Giant Octopus is a masterpiece of modern cinema. What? It has Deborah Gibson in it. And there's this one scene where...what? Oh, like there's something better than a mega shark leaping out of the ocean and biting a plane in half. Whatever.
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